The tourism image of Estonia in Spain: A formulative approach

Katlin Savva, Arta Antonovica, Javier de Esteban Curiel


Tourism and the transformation of natural landscape

Arturo Aguilar, Alejandro Palafox Muñoz, Julis Sderis Anaya Ortiz


Effects of the tip on the socio-economy and the human

Ricardo Varela Juárez, Tomás Cuevas Contreras, Sergio Salmerón Manzanares


Organizational sustainability in restaurateur familiar SME´s of La Jonquera in Cataluña, Spain

Carlos González Macías, Isabel Zizaldra Hernández, Patricia Mercado Salgado


A look at springs in mexican border desert as a possible site for hiking

Elsa Aranda Pastrana, Ercilia Loera Anchondo, Isabel Zizaldra
