Freely teaching at university level in Mexico

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Pablo Ayala Hernández


Freedom of education in different educational settings has shown different tiles in relation to its intention. From a private education to public education, where her commitment to educate in freedom has always had an intention on the educational work. Only mere educational instruction we can change the term to teach freely, creating an impulse or source of educational change to reinvent education, particularly in high school in Mexico. In democratic regimes, like ours, it is perfectly acceptable that education systems have intent and a concept of freedom in teaching, because they are given the right circumstances so that it not is harmful to anyone, and promote an education academic freedom.


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Ayala Hernández, P. (2021). Freely teaching at university level in Mexico. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(44), 44–61.
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Author Biography

Pablo Ayala Hernández, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez

Docente - investigador del departamento de Educación del Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez


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