Loving experience, catastrophe and miracles in The revelation of water





desert, miserable loves, neorealist, Parral, story, waterspout


This text analyzes The Revelation of Water, a novel by the Chihuahuan author Martha Estela Torres Torres. The analysis is based on the classical rhetorical notions of Inventio, Dispositio and Elocutio, to which are added some considerations of the context. Thus, an interpretation is offered that starts from the main intrinsic elements of the work, tries to attend to the literary and cultural tradition in which it is produced and, from an academic perspective, values its characteristics, the themes it deals with and other narrative successes. It is concluded that the novel revives elements of the wonderful real; although its measured discourse, its comprehensive view of the different social explanations and the journalistic strategy that configures its large third part make it a neorealist work.

Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Ibáñez Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Combina la cátedra de Estética literaria en las aulas universitarias con la investigación sobre historia el pensamiento empresarial al interior de los organismos empresariales. Además gestiona la vinculación entre academia y empresa. Es conferencista invitado en el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial y en la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de la Transformación, en la Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuense y en la Unión Social de Empresarios. Recientemente ha publicado: La Economía Solidaria en México con la UACJ, La industria que transformó Chihuahua con la CANACINTRA y Empresarios sociales en Chihuahua con la COPARMEX.


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How to Cite

Ibáñez Hernández, L. E. (2023). Loving experience, catastrophe and miracles in The revelation of water. Chihuahua Hoy, 21(21), e5763. https://doi.org/10.20983/chihuahuahoy.2023.21.12


