Soap opera and gender in Colombia

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Armando Ramírez Murcia


This article approaches the construction of the feminine representations -from a gender perspective- in the Colombian soap opera field, which as a cultural format has reached the frontier of the Latin-American identity. A historical tracking of how the characterization of the feminine in the national tele drama answers some logics in which the social rights and the self-portraits work as a synergy, pushed more from the feminine routine than from “favors” or political revendications staged in the media. This will allow us to locate in a given space the gender-identity problem, and at the same time it will enable to have a look at the incidence reached by the battles between men and women in the cultural-mediatized products. Which are the transformations of the feminine in the mediatized culture and how they appear there? What places take on contemporary social transformations?


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How to Cite
Ramírez Murcia, A. (2022). Soap opera and gender in Colombia. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25(49-1), 45–64.
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Armando Ramírez Murcia, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



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