Teaching geometric optics with the STEAM methodology at the high school





STEAM, science, teaching, geometric optics


This research aims to develop a teaching strategy with the STEAM methodology, in order to promote the understanding of basic optical principles and integrating knowledge of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. The study was carried out under a mixed research methodology, applied to 50 students in the last semester of high school at the Escuela Preparatoria Diurna, located in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico, who selected the optional subject of Selected Topics in Physics, with the aim of meeting the profile to study engineering. The STEAM approach was applied in the following three stages: inquiry, simulation and design and creation of an optical instrument. The results show that the implementation of the strategy favored learning, improving the understanding of the concepts and their relationship with practice. Eight optical instruments were developed, 6 classified as excellent in the categories of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and creativity and innovation. It is concluded that the application of the STEAM methodology helps to develop problem-solving skills, promotes a deep development of the topics so that students face challenges and, consequently, an increase in interest in the proposed topics.


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Author Biographies

Angel Farit Pereyra Arguelles, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Escuela Preparatoria Diurna, Unidad Académica del Campus II, Academia de Física, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Carina Berenice López González, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Escuela Preparatoria Diurna, Unidad Académica del Campus II, Academia de Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Hiram Escobar Cornelio, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Escuela Preparatoria Diurna, Unidad Académica del Campus II, Academia de Artística, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen


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How to Cite

A. F. Pereyra Arguelles, C. B. López González, and H. Escobar Cornelio, “Teaching geometric optics with the STEAM methodology at the high school ”, Cult. Científ. y Tecnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. E2-E7, Sep. 2024.



Edición Especial "Aprendizaje Integral a lo Largo de la Vida"