Proposal for Ergonomic Improvements for the Audit Workstation: Applying the Nordic Questionnaire and R.O.S.A. Method
ergonomía, trastornos musculoesqueléticos, Método ROSA, Cuestionario Nórdico, salud ocupacionalAbstract
This research focused on improving the health and welfare conditions of office workers, with the analysis of operations commonly performed in the internal audit area of an agricultural company, as well as the application of ergonomic methods to evaluate and propose improvement strategies that allow a safe working environment reflected in the reduction of MSDs (Musculoskeletal Disorders) seeking to implement methods to develop appropriate strategies and support the management of ergonomic programs that can be implemented as part of daily activities, and in optimal performance in production and quality indexes, obtaining from the exhaustive ergonomic evaluation performed in the workstation several key ergonomic risk factors associated with workstation design, load handling, movement patterns and environmental elements. These factors collectively contributed to the discomfort experienced by the worker, particularly in the back and shoulder areas, due to sustained improper postures and prolonged static positions. The different risk factors were analyzed and improvements from the ergonomic approach were applied, obtaining more favorable results in the second ergonomic evaluation.
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