Inventory Control by ABC Method for a Transport Company: Systemic Analysis by Families




control de inventario, método ABC, análisis sistémico


The objective of this research is to improve the "inventory control" process by applying the ABC method and based on a systemic analysis by families. A quantitative and qualitative descriptive, non-experimental and transversal descriptive approach was used, considering the current process for the inventory review, identifying the degree of reliability of the information and applying surveys to all the warehouse collaborators. As a result, a classification proposal was obtained according to the operation model. The limitation for the realization of the investigation was the time since it was developed during a period of 4 months, nevertheless it had favorable implications not only for the company in question but for the scientific contribution since it will allow the companies its application, this proposal has been original since it was carried out to a company with the turn of auto transport of load, the joint value of real aspects in an economic context, allowed as conclusion to establish the strategies of marketing to the control of inventories and to present the processes that allow to strengthen its processes for the control of the same ones.


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Author Biographies

Paula Rosalinda Antonio Vidaña, Universidad del Tecnológico del Centro de Veracruz

Universidad del Tecnológico del Centro de Veracruz

Rocío Ramos Hernández, Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz

Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz

Ivette Pérez Hernández, Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz

Universidad Tecnológica del Centro de Veracruz


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How to Cite

Antonio Vidaña, P. R., Ramos Hernández, R., & Pérez Hernández, I. (2023). Inventory Control by ABC Method for a Transport Company: Systemic Analysis by Families . Cultura Científica Y Tecnológica, 20(2), E29-E36.



Edición especial "IWIELF 2022"