The Impact of transactional leadership on operational performance
liderazgo transaccional; satisfacción laboral; rendimiento operativo; modelado de ecuaciones estructuralesAbstract
This paper examines the impact of transactional leadership on operational performance, with job satisfaction as a mediating variable in the manufacturing industry in Ciudad Juárez. A literature review was conducted on transactional leadership, operational performance, and job satisfaction to generate a questionnaire that was applied to the maquiladora industry. A total of 165 valid responses to the questionnaire were obtained and analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM) based on partial least squares (PLS) to validate three hypotheses relating to the variables. It was found that transactional leadership exercised by personnel in the maquiladora industry has direct and indirect positive effects on operational performance; however, job satisfaction was found to have a greater impact on operational performance than transactional leadership.
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