Incentives as an Instrument to Improve the Productivity and Efficiency of a Water Purification Microenterprise




This work arises from the need for a water purification microenterprise to increase its productivity and make its production process more efficient since it does not meet customer demand, as well as to motivate its workers to meet their goals.  We applied and adapted a methodology already proven in other case studies where mass production is carried out. To achieve the production goal, a process analysis was carried out employing a breakdown of operations, as well as an analysis of manufacturing operations through a time and motion study with a stopwatch, line balancing, and the application of differential wage rates. By adapting and applying the methodology, productivity improved from 1.67 to 1.51 $/unit, efficiency went from 67.54 to 93.80 %, and workers achieved a minimum wage increase of 18.73% and a maximum of 31.93 % depending on the workstation. In addition, with the new work organization, it was possible to meet customer demand.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Carlos Carreón Romero, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Zacapoaxtla, División de ingeniería industrial

División de ingeniería industrial
Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Zacapoaxtla

Alfredo Ramírez Torres, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Zacapoaxtla

  Docente-investigador (Ingeniería Industrial) Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Zacapoaxtla Zacapoaxtla, Puebla, México


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How to Cite

Carreón Romero, R. C., & Ramírez Torres, A. (2023). Incentives as an Instrument to Improve the Productivity and Efficiency of a Water Purification Microenterprise. Cultura Científica Y Tecnológica, 20(2), 4–10.