Systematic Reviews as process of artificial selection of scientific knowledge in the healthcare area

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Oscar Eliezer Mendoza De Los Santos


The aim of this essay is to conceptualize and analyze, from the framework of evolutionary epistemology, systematic reviews as a process of artificial selection of scientific knowledge in healthcare area. Firstly it is analyzed the main assumptions of the evolution of scientific knowledge by natural selection. Subsequently, it is proposed that systematic reviews be considered as a form of meta-research, the latter being understood as a type of research whose object of study is scientific knowledge and its evaluation. Afterwards, it is proposed the concept of Artificial Epistemic Selection to refer to a process of epistemic selection different from the one described by the model of natural selection. Since systematic reviews have as one of their objectives the evaluation of the scientific studies that intend to be included in the review, it is concluded that they satisfy the criteria to be considered as a process of artificial epistemic selection.


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How to Cite
Mendoza De Los Santos, O. E. (2021). Systematic Reviews as process of artificial selection of scientific knowledge in the healthcare area: . Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 30(59), 163–178.
Author Biography

Oscar Eliezer Mendoza De Los Santos, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Administrativas y Sociales del Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Estudiante del Maestría en Ciencias en Metodología de la Ciencia. CIECAS-IPN.


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