Power, social norms and inequality of women in the household

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Arlette Covarrubias Feregrino


This article proposes a theoretical framework to analyse women´s power in the household. Given the important consequences they have on household members welfare, especially that of women, special emphasis is made the visibility of power and the different mechanisms used to maintain it. Thus, this article draws from the framework of empowerment proposed by Kabeer (1999) and the three forms of power suggested by Gaventa (2011), which are based on the three dimensions of power by Lukes (2005). As social norms are a fundamental factor which influences power through several channels, the proposed framework is used to analyse the several ways in which social norms affects household members’ power.


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How to Cite
Covarrubias Feregrino, A. (2022). Power, social norms and inequality of women in the household. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 27(53), 140–158. https://doi.org/10.20983/noesis.2018.1.7
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Arlette Covarrubias Feregrino, El Colegio Mexiquense A. C.

Profesora investigadora


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