


space, interstitial, gender violence, university student, heteronorm


This document is the product of a postdoctoral stay on the study of interstitial space from its alternate construction to that defined by functionalist urbanism. Interstitial spatiality describes the facilities, knowledge and interaction from the device that generate logics of occupation and differentiated transfer. The objective is to analyze the category of interstitial spatiality in relation to the exercise of gender violence, particularly sexual harassment and how it configures the zones of violence and conditions the stay and transfer of university students in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The methodology is qualitative with the participatory cartography tool, in which a map of sites of daily recurrence of the participants was worked on, where they indicated streets, spaces and territories of experience in gender violence. In a second moment, a interview group was generated, where, through narratives, they described their logic of transfer, occupation, and resistance, in the face of violence. The results are aimed at identifying that there are logics of appropriation of space by the perpetrators of violence and this conditions the transfer and occupation of young university students. However, another finding is the resistance dynamics that the referred women develop, such as going accompanied, carrying personal defense instruments, and even implementing alternate activities in space. The document makes it possible to identify that the space is not neutral, on the contrary, it has logics of occupation, segregation, exclusion, among others; in addition, that the participants have made the use of the space from alternate conditions to the established ones and resistance activities.

Author Biography

Hugo Martínez Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Doctor en Estudios Urbanos en la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Posdoctorante en Estancias Posdoctorales por México 2022 (3) en Modalidad Académica en Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel Candidato. 


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