Urban green, resilience, endowment, distance, global warmingAbstract
This article shows the amount and location of Urban Green (VU) in Amatlán, Córdoba and Fortín, Veracruz, Mexico, in the context of urban resilience to global warming. The objectives of this work are: 1) to know the situation of this resource in terms of its availability (endowment) by present area; 2) measure the distances that separate the green from the population; and 3) determine the population served through the Public Urban Green (VUP) and Urban Green in general (VU-NDVI), as well as contrast with the endowment and distance recommendations of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU).. The working hypotheses are: a) Fortn, Córdoba and Amatlán have a VUP allocation below that recommended by the WHO, but have the possibility of higher allocations, considering the VU-NDVI; and b) Fortín, Córdoba and Amatlán have a VUP system at a maximum distance of 400 meters from each block, and contain VU-NDVI areas at smaller distances. With census and cartographic data, satellite image processing, use of Geographic Information Systems, field verification of the data, and statistical analysis, the amount of VUP and VU-NDVI, the green area endowments per inhabitant, and the distances that separate the two types of green in the population. The results showed, on the one hand, that the allocation of VUP per inhabitant is below the WHO recommendations, but not the VU-NDVI and, on the other hand, that the VUP exceeds the maximum distance recommended by SEDATU, but not thus the VU-NDVI. Finally, it is pointed out that, although the majority of the population is served with VUP in accordance with SEDATU (although with very varied surfaces), the VU-NDVI serves 100% of it. The results show the potential of the latter to increase the share of green in cities such as those analyzed.
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