Ethnic residential segregation in San Cristobal de las Casas. Urban spaces where social duality remains
Residential segregation, tsotsil, tseltal, afro-descendant populationAbstract
The aim of this paper is to determine the most segregated areas of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas through the application of statistical indices to measure social homogeneity and spatial concentration both in homes where Mayan indigenous population lives (tsotsiles and tseltales), as well as in homes where inhabits a population that is recognized as Afro-descendant. The 2020 Population and Housing Census at the AGEB level was taken as a source of information, to develop a cross-sectional comparative research with a quantitative approach that allowed discovering the areas of the city that present higher absolute values i n both calculations. The results suggest that the use of different indicators to determine indigenous status may impact the results of the diagnosis of residential segregation. In the case of segregation by Afro-descendants condition, the results will suggest higher levels of social homogeneity and spatial concentration in two particular AGEB. These contributions let us to observe a decrease of residential segregation areas within the limits of urban spaces previously diagnosed as segregated at the beginning of the 20th century; also, let us know new information on Afro-descendant housing occupation, principally check that the Mayan and Afro-Mexicans population inhabit differentiated spaces in the city.
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