A pre-pandemic study about recreational uses in the Mexico Park located at Mexico City (year 2017)
urban forestry, urban planning, leisure, green areasAbstract
A recreational study was carried out through surveys in the Parque México in Mexico City. For this, the relationship between visit patterns with socioeconomic information, uses and perceptions of visitors with 18 years old or older was analyzed. This research uses descriptive statistics and a non-linear canonical correlation analysis to analyze relationships between variables. An ordered probit regression was also performed to determine the variables that explain the frequency of recreational use. It was obtained that the Park mainly receives visitors with at least bachelor's degree (78.6%) and high incomes (more than 50% have a monthly family income higher than $10,000.00 pesos and 27.6% receive more than $30,000.00 per month). Considering the results, the conclusions are that although the highest percentage of the studied population comes from neighborhoods outside the Roma-Condesa Corridor: then the visitors who live in the Corridor and who have higher incomes, have weight in the description of the model. The results allow to conclude too, that higher income increases the frequency of use. It is also observed that the park is used during the Monday to Friday by more than 50% of the population of visitors and with a high percentage of use in the mornings.
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