Transfers and land demand for housing: Evidence from a municipality in northwestern México
land policies, land market, transfers, housingAbstract
Objective: to analyze the destination of conditional transfers (TC) to finance public services on land managed for housing in a municipality in the Northwest of Mexico. Methodology: based on semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents and data consulted in Inegi, Coneval, Inafed, Municipal Governments of Guasave and State of Sinaloa, it was possible to develop this work for the period 2013 to June 2020. Results: the evidence indicates that of the 6.9-hectare surface managed for housing, 50 % of the lots are vacant and in only a part of them there are houses or unfinished constructions (17 %). It is more about an interest in fattening land and taking advantage of financing, with transfers, to introduce free public services such as electricity, water and drainage.Downloads
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