Implementation of Guided Inquiry with PhET Simulations on flotation at the high school level




Physics teaching, flotation, guided inquiry, PhET


This study aims to analyze students' perceptions in the acquisition of knowledge about the concept of flotation through the implementation of guided inquiry using PhET simulations. The implementation was carried out through the design of Worksheets applied to three groups of technological high school students located in Sinaloa, Mexico. The analysis of students' perceptions towards guided inquiry with PhET simulations was carried out through participant observation and semi-structured interviews through five proposed categories. The results show an increased appropriation of the concept of flotation and promote collaborative work among students. The conclusions show that guided inquiry with PhET simulations significantly improves students' understanding and motivation, promoting collaboration and active learning. Challenges were identified in the familiarization and application of the simulations. The benefits of the research show that guided inquiry and PhET simulations provide an interactive and safe learning experience, allowing for a deeper understanding of concepts and their application in real-life situations.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Oliver Cabanillas-García, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Dirección General de Escuelas Preparatorias, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

José Alberto Alvarado-Lemus, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Coordinador Estatal de la Academia de Física, Dirección General de Escuelas Preparatorias, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Levy Noé Inzunza-Camacho, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Coordinador Estatal de la Academia de Química, Dirección General de Escuelas Preparatorias, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa


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How to Cite

P. O. Cabanillas-García, J. A. . Alvarado-Lemus, and L. N. Inzunza-Camacho, “Implementation of Guided Inquiry with PhET Simulations on flotation at the high school level”, Cult. Científ. y Tecnol., vol. 21, no. 3, pp. E49-E61, Nov. 2024.



Edición Especial "Aprendizaje Integral a lo Largo de la Vida"