Gestión de riesgos operacionales en el transporte primario de aguacate Hass




aguacate Hass, gestión del riesgo en cadenas de suministro, QFD difuso


The objective of this research is to manage the operational risks in the primary transportation of the Hass avocado, including their identification and prioritization. Given the conditions of the fruit and horticultural industry in Colombia, which has a great development opportunity and because it is a country highly rich in natural resources, it seeks to manage agricultural chains and reduce food losses. The Hass avocado is selected, as it is one of the agricultural products with great reception, variety that is most commercialized in the world and the one that presents the greatest growth dynamics. To make the supply chain more efficient, it is essential to manage operational risks, that is, those unexpected events that can affect the performance of the chain and that are associated with people, equipment, processes, and some external events. In this way, the risks in fruit and vegetable chains are identified with a questionnaire approach, the operational risks in the primary transportation of the Hass avocado in a region of Colombia are selected through the probability and impact matrix and they are prioritized through the application of the fuzzy QFD. The main risks were technical failures in the vehicles, inappropriate fleets and bad practices in loading and unloading. Although the work is oriented to a specific activity within the avocado chain, it can be extended to other links and agri-food chains.


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Author Biographies

Marcela Cañas Osorio, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal

Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal, Zarzal, Colombia

Alejandro Serna Grisales, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal

Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal, Zarzal, Colombia

Vivian Lorena Chud Pantoja, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal

Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Sede Zarzal, Zarzal, Colombia

Juan Carlos Osorio Gómez, Universidad del Valle

Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia


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How to Cite

Cañas Osorio, M., Serna Grisales, A., Chud Pantoja, V. L., & Osorio Gómez, J. C. (2023). Gestión de riesgos operacionales en el transporte primario de aguacate Hass. Cultura Científica Y Tecnológica, 20(2), E12-E19.



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