Situation of the elderly as a user of the internet in relation to its primary social network with relatives and migrants in Quindío – Colombia

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Lilia Inés López Cardozo
Sandra Leal Larrarte
Lucero Giraldo Marín


This article is part of the reflections of the authors` results of the investigation called Internet and Personal Network for the elderly with migrant relatives held in Armenia-Quindío; it brings into the light the situation that the elderly faces in using the Internet as a way to communicate with their migrant relatives. The project identifies the changes in the communication between the elderly and his relatives that the Internet creates in terms of structural features, functions, and personal relationships. Theorists who accompanied the epistemological framework for the interpretation of the data collection were: Garay (2006), Cardenas and Mejia (2006), (Castells, 2009), Marc Prensky (2001), (Machado, 2000) and Tovar Villarraga (2009). The methodology used was; the etnográfico- qualitative study, semi-structured interview total of (100), the sampling and for the organization and interpretation of information came to the Grounded Theory of Strauss and Corbin (2002).


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How to Cite
López Cardozo, L. I., Leal Larrarte, S., & Giraldo Marín, L. (2022). Situation of the elderly as a user of the internet in relation to its primary social network with relatives and migrants in Quindío – Colombia. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25(49-1), 78–92.
Social Sciences
Author Biographies

Lilia Inés López Cardozo, Universidad del Quindío.


Sandra Leal Larrarte, Universidad del Quindío.


Lucero Giraldo Marín, Universidad del Quindío.



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