Masculinity and public policies: the organization of an agenda in Mexico.

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Juan Carlos Ramírez-Rodríguez
Norma Celina Gutiérrez-de-la-Torre


The main purpose of this communication is to identify, to describe the process of building a public policy agenda that involves men in the construction of equality with women, and to recognize the perception of those who participated in it. It conceived the process as an organization with its own dynamics. A descriptive research about ethnographic approach involved recovery of documentary information of the process, interviews with participants in the construction of the agenda and a workshop. Results are presented in a timeline involved papers to prepare work meetings; profiles of potential participants were identified, the work to be developed was outlined and the respective call for in-person and virtual meetings was issued. Participants in the work meetings discussed contents of the agenda and political impact, the requirements to continue the process and the formation of specialized working groups. Elements such as uncertainty, the breaking of agreements and their fixed, the (mis)knowledge of what public policy among others, intervened in the process. As a conclusion, the lessons that emerge from this process are noted.


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How to Cite
Ramírez-Rodríguez, J. C., & Gutiérrez-de-la-Torre, N. C. . (2024). Masculinity and public policies: the organization of an agenda in Mexico. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 33(66), 75–90.
Social Sciences
Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Ramírez-Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Juan Carlos Ramírez-Rodríguez gains his MD and MPH at the Universidad de Guadalajara. PhD in Social Anthropology at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) and, Posdoc in Reproductive Health Policy at the University of California in San Francisco. He is Senior Researcher and Professor at the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Program (PIEGE), Department of Regional Studies at the Universidad de Guadalajara. Currently conduct research on public policy about men and masculinities; anthropology of emotions; gender violence. He has published articles, book chapters and books and delivered conference on these issues extensively.

Norma Celina Gutiérrez-de-la-Torre, Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Program, Departament of Regional Studies-INESER, Economic Science and Business Administration Campus, University of Guadalajara

Norma Celina Gutiérrez-de-la-Torre is Doctor in Economic Sciences with emphasis on Population Studies from the Center for Demographic Studies (CEDEM) of the University of Havana; Master in Social Sciences and Graduate in Psychology from the University of Guadalajara. Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Program PIEGE and associate research professor “C” within the Department of Regional Studies INESER; Secretary of the Division of Economy and Society DES of the University Center of Economic-Administrative Sciences CUCEA of the University of Guadalajara. She has participated in research and on women's health problems; family planning and contraception; gender, sexual health and reproductive health; gender violence; masculinities and public policies; It has publications on the topics investigated both individually and collectively. Professor of the Gender Studies, Research Methodology and Practice courses at the undergraduate level; Theories and techniques of communication in conflict and Gender and public policies in postgraduate studies. Member of the Mexican Academy of Men's Gender Studies AMEGH, A.C.; It is part of the Alternative Masculinities Network of the State of Jalisco REMA and the Network for the generation of knowledge in social processes, mental health and public health with bioethical and gender perspectives. PROSSAMP.


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