Generalized Neophobia: concept, theoretical model and measurement

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Arturo Barraza Macías


Objective: To build and validate the generalized neophobia scale and establish its prevalence and sociodemographic profile of the participants. Method: an instrumental and correlational study was carried out by applying the generalized neophobia scale to 517 people. Results: the scale has a reliability level that ranges between .79 and .88, the exploratory factor analysis reports a single factor that explains 69.29% of the total variance and the confirmatory factor analysis reports a perfect fit model; the prevalence in the surveyed population was 13.5% and it is women and younger people who report a higher level of neophobia. Conclusions: the theoretical-conceptual contributions of this research can be assessed as consistent and its empirical contribution can be considered as indicative since its main limitation is the selection of the sample determined by accessibility and availability.


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How to Cite
Barraza Macías, A. (2023). Generalized Neophobia: concept, theoretical model and measurement. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 31(62), 74–85.
Social Sciences


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