Institutionalization of leftist utopias in Latin America: a case study

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Guillem Compte Nunes


Faced with popular dissatisfaction with liberal-capitalist democracy, at the beginning of the 21st century there is a governmental shift to the left in Latin America, in which Mexico is recently participating, with the arrival of the Morena party to power. The social movements that promote these political projects convey leftist utopias that seek to institutionalize themselves in political systems and public policies. However, this process of utopian institutionalization presents tensions and contradictions within the so-called party-movements. In this paper I present a methodological proposal for utopian analysis, which I apply to the “Colectivo La Calle”, a group that is part of the lopezobradorista movement in Mexico. I analyze three utopias mediated by this group and find that indeed the Colectivo is mobilizing against Morena’s pragmatism. This result adds to previous literature, which, given contemporary governmental experiences, questions the ability of the Latin American institutional left to overcome conservative hegemony.


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Compte Nunes, G. (2023). Institutionalization of leftist utopias in Latin America: a case study. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 31(61), 4–25.
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Guillem Compte Nunes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Programa de Becas Posdoctorales de la UNAM

Doctor en ciencias sociales con especialidad en sociología por El Colegio de México. Profesor de asignatura, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM.


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