Economic growth, corruption and institutions in Mexico

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Lucía Ramírez López
Isaac Sánchez-Juárez


This article analyzes the relationship between corruption and economic growth, both theoretical and empirical. At a theoretical level, presents a model developed by de Vaal y Ebben (2011) that study the effects of corruption on economic growth in a framework that includes corruption as part of the institutional setting. In the model, the positive effects of corruption on growth outweigh the negatives if the institutions are not well developed, otherwise if there is a high institutional quality. At the empirical level, we verify the validity of the model, using data of the Mexican regions for the period 2001-2010. The results of the OLS estimates and panel data do not provide evidence favorable to the theoretical model; even suggest that in the presence of high institutional quality the effect of corruption on growth is positive.


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How to Cite
Ramírez López, L., & Sánchez-Juárez, I. (2021). Economic growth, corruption and institutions in Mexico. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(43-1), 104–133.
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Author Biographies

Lucía Ramírez López, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.

Estudiante de la Maestría en Economía de la UACJ.

Isaac Sánchez-Juárez, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.

Profesor – investigador adscrito al Programa de Economía del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la UACJ


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