Geospatial analysis of the distribution of empty spaces located in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas


  • Claudio Curzio Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
  • Héctor de la Torre Centro de investigación en Matemáticas



empty spaces, urban vacant lots, geo-spatial analysis, urban geography, border in Nuevo Laredo


Reflect about urban empty spaces means looking around all these lots that are distributed in different geographical points of the cities and are characterized because they are still waiting to be built, therefore, they are vacant, and also these spaces are empty in the sense of not provide any function. In this sense, the objective of this article is to present a methodological proposal specially designed to study this type of urban elements from the particular point of view of urban geography and spatial analysis. Specifically, through a series of surveys, both digital and physical, the various urban voids located in the city of Nuevo Laredo were recorded, thereby creating a database that included a total of 3,836 case studies. In this way, using different types of statistical techniques and spatial models, it was possible to obtain and interpret the results, managing to identify exactly what were the main patterns and characteristics of said geographic distribution.

Author Biographies

Claudio Curzio, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Doctor en Ciencias por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, especializado en temas de Geografia urbana y analisis espacial.

Héctor de la Torre, Centro de investigación en Matemáticas

Doctor en Ciencias por la Universidad de Birmingham (UK). Sus líneas de investigación son: Modelado de Puntos Espaciales, Modelado Geoestadístico, Series de Tiempo y Modelos no lineales.


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