The Instrumentalized Body under the Macroeconomic and Territorial Dynamics of Advanced Marginality




cuerpo instrumentalizado, ciudadanía, marginalidad avanzada, macro-estructura económica


This is an analysis of how the structural dynamic of advanced marginality consolidates one way of instrumentalized of the body, founded in the technology development. In this sense, it is assumed that individuals are able to integrate into a city project, it is necessary to be imbued with instruments such as the figure of citizenship, to consolidate a body structure associated with belonging, and ability to act on cities for their conformation. The Economic and Territorial Macrostructure, on which depends advanced marginality, has also reformed other areas, such as the production of technology and science, aligning them under its operational logic. The complaint made by Javier Echeverría in this context take relevance to understand this issue, when referring to Technosciences, such as that co-opted technological and scientific development by large corporations, which control large-scale capital movements, directing the instrumentalization of the individual and his body for its most adequate functioning with respect to capital flows, in this way it reaches the name of Technopersons. The above compels to rethink the forms in which the individual and his body have been instrumentalized, in different fields, but in turn, in synchrony with the advanced marginality, and thus recognize the technology development as part of its composition.

Author Biography

Enrique Delgado Torres, Universidad de Guadalajara

Estudiante del Doctorado en Ciudad, territorio y sustentabilidad de la Universidad de Guadalajara


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