Vivienda de los ferrocarrileros en México. Apuntes para comprender su tipología en lo urbano y lo rural


  • Andrés Armando Sánchez Hernández BUAP



housing, workers, railways, vanguards


In this text an approach is made to a little treated topic: the housing of railroad workers in Mexico, since traditionally they have treated the housing of the workers of the textile industries, which were associated to sets and production areas, and therefore, to the heritage of industrial culture.

In that sense it is a question of several peculiarities with respect to other types of housing, even because the cars could be used to inhabit. Likewise, the house designed with space and material foundations in the surrounding areas responded to the design processes and the avant-garde of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, typical of the influence of industry, in general, of modernity.

The starting point of the interpretation lies in the typological analysis, which allows us to recognize the characteristics, materials, construction systems, and, generally, the conditions of the dwelling in the established places. Based on the fact that this type of housing was used by workers in the wagons, and they were mobile homes that linked the railroads and allowed them to travel in many directions through the country.

It is concluded that there were various formats, many of which are now part of the railroad industrial culture heritage and can be seen as part of the site or set associated with stations, and workshops, besides, housing can be seen as part of a landscape cultural.

Author Biography

Andrés Armando Sánchez Hernández, BUAP

Docente-investigador de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la BUAP; participa en la Licenciatura en Urbanismo y Diseño Ambiental y en la Maestría en Arquitectura, con especialidad en Conservación del Patrimonio Edificado, en la buap. Perfil de docentes sep-prodep desde 2005, Miembro del Padrón de investigadores viep-buap; 2018-2022. Responsable del cuerpo académico Estudios Territoriales y Urbanos (ca-117) desde 2015.


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