Otaku field in Mexicali. Approaches to spaces constitution and consumption urban processes of Japanese cultural industries


  • Mario Javier Bogarín Quintana Universidad Autónoma de Baja California




Space, Otaku, Manga and anime


The purpose of this article is to offer an introduction, as a participant observer, to the field of otaku Mexicalense in the different spaces where it develops its hobby through different activities that relate to the world of manga and anime. It is necessary to go to these areas to practice an ethnography to gather information that explains the basic characteristics of the predilection for this form of entertainment, as it is raised in the frame of reference. This will be the way, along with the subsequent case studies, to obtain a global picture of the conditions of this group in the locality, which includes their actions and vital processes to become a sociocultural group.

Author Biography

Mario Javier Bogarín Quintana, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Nacido el 30 de abril de 1983 en Mexicali, Baja California. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (El Co- legio de Michoacán). Profesor-Investigador Titular de Tiempo Completo en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Es autor de los libros Saberes de la imaginación (2012), In- terdisciplina y transformación simbólica del arte (2012), Elogio de lo inacabado (2013) y Estéticas liminales contemporáneas (2015) así como de dos docenas de publicaciones arbitradas. 


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