
  • Samuel Rolando González Luna Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




public bicycle systems, urban and regional mobility, sustainability


The urban mobility in the city is a basic need for people to be satisfied, and be protected in the effort requiring the necessary movements to access to goods and services does not negatively impact the quality of life or in the development possibilities economic, cultural, educational, etc. citizens trips or journeys that the population, which have become more complex due to urban expansion and rapid growth of the population seeking ways and means of transportation that allow access to different parts of a space Once each larger city where the destinations are increasingly far apart. Mobility is a key for urban, territorial and sustainable development of cities factor, analysis of urban travel, is predominant today where the search for alternatives aimed to make sustainable, responsible city with the care of the environment is appropriate for them to make a focused on the design and implementation of public bicycle systems (SBP) analysis, which is a practical and easy complement public transport network which seeks to mitigate the effects of traffic congestion with benefits health of the user. In this article the importance of SBP noted, a review of the generations of such systems is carried out, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of this type of system is finally emerging and promoting a new paradigm of urban motorized mobility are booming worldwide, which are becoming a real alternative urban transportation over short distances in the central cities


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