Virtual Leadership Competencies in a Mexican University (UACJ). A quantitative case study
Virtual leadership, Higher education, SEC modelAbstract
This article examines virtual leadership competencies in the higher education context and its key aspects that impact virtual environments in Mexico. In this sense, one of the major contexts that has dramatically changed is higher education; however, it is worth highlighting that online leadership in universities is still scarce. This work is based on a quantitative method with a descriptive and correlational approach. For this purpose, the E-Competences Model questionnaire was applied to university professors to evaluate their virtual leadership factors and their efficiency in virtual education environment. Findings revealed that moderated correlations have been found in their competences such as e-communications and e-change with e-social, exposing the barely enough labor of leaders, fostering social interaction, as well as e-team with e-technology, showing a regular basis training in using ICT’s. Conclusions intend to propose new strategies for leadership capabilities assessment and its effectiveness on virtual education environments.
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