Entrepreneurial system based on knowledge networks for business sustainability: towards a theoretical-conceptual approach





business sustainability, knowledge networks, entrepreneurship


The aim of this paper is to explicitly examine the relationship between business sustainability, knowledge networks and entrepreneurship as a holistic set of connections of a complex nature. For this purpose, a theoretical-conceptual framework called "Entrepreneurial system based on knowledge networks for business sustainability" is proposed. Its justification resides in the inexistence of an outline aimed at identifying the aspects that intervene in entrepreneurial behavior from the reticular, cognitive, and sustainable points of view. The construction of the proposal is carried out through an exploratory and documentary investigation. The results point to the feasibility of the approach since it is possible to theoretically relate sustainability and knowledge networks through the figure of the entrepreneur.

Author Biography

Ph D., Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

PhD in Administration Sciences. Research lines: business creation, entrepreneurship and Administration. He belongs to the National System of Researchers. Level 1.


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