The Role of Destination Management Organizations and Tourism Destination Sustainable Competitiveness: The Mexican Case




Sustanable competitiveness, Destination management, Convention and Visitors Bureaus, Sustainable development, Case study


Destination management organizations (DMOs) are the key for the achievement of sustainable communities. A DMO is the organization in charge of marketing and management of the destination's resources. In Mexico, the DMO figure do not exist, but there are Convention and Visitors Offices (OCV) and Convention and Visitors Bureaus (BCV), which perform marketing functions in the destination. The objectives of this study are to understand the role of destination management organizations for sustainable competitiveness of the destination and analyze if these organizations perform the functions of a DMO. Six local organizations are analyzed. The case study methodology is conducted to draw a conclusion. However, this article shows that, in most, the DMO´s in México are not being sufficiently effective to achieve sustainability and competiveness and to manage the complexity of the relationship between different stakeholders.

Author Biography

Ana María Valero Quezada, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

Profesora Investigadora de Tiempo Completo en la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Doctorante del Doctorado Internacional en Turismo de la Universidad Anáhuac, México-Norte. Maestra en Administración y Licenciada en Turismo.


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