Communication Climate (CC) Perceptions: Inspection of tourism SMEs in a competitive environment




Communication Climate, Information, Tourism Industry, SMEs


Currently, the growing interest in the study of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) in the tourism sector has led to an increase in the development of research that addresses all kinds of relationships and variables. However, the communication climate (CC) is an element that has been scarcely studied in this context. This paper aims to address this gap, through a questionnaire applied to 260 companies in the sector. With the intention of exploring the relationship between trust (TT), participation in decision-making (PDM), support (SUP), openness in downward communication (ODC) and upward communication (OUC) and interest in high impact goals (IHG) with respect to (CC). The results indicate that all the variables include the positive-significant form in the (CC). Some implications are discussed.

Author Biographies

José Guadalupe Magdaleno Elizondo, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Grado académico: Maestría en Administración Campo Finanzas.

Ismael Manuel Rodríguez Herrera, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Grado académico: Doctorado en Turismo.

Diana Elizabeth Hernández-Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Grado académico: Maestría en Administración


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