The becoming-animal of the feminine subject: Tarazona, Lispector, Braidotti

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Francisco Serratos


The work of Mexican author Daniela Tarazona (1975) shares certain similarities with the work of Clarice Lispector. In a few of their novels, both writers make use of narrative techniques such as inherent oddity and fantasy, particularly in El animal sobre la piedra (Tarazona) and A Paixão Segundo G.H. (Lispector). These works confront the experience of feminine identity from the limits of biology. Their characters undergo mutations that lead them to transgress the psychological, social and biological gender that imprisons them; in order to succeed they must morph into the animal. Using a comparative method, both novels are analyzed through the philosophical lens of Rosi Braidotti, who in turn takes the ideas of Gilles Deleuze on the becoming-animal and becoming-woman.


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How to Cite
Serratos, F. (2022). The becoming-animal of the feminine subject: Tarazona, Lispector, Braidotti. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 26(51), 94–106.
Author Biography

Francisco Serratos, Universidad de Sichuan

Graduado del doctorado en Latin American Studies de  Arizona State University. Escritor, crítico literario, traductor y profesor de literatura.


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