Sustainable urban mobility: An alternative for air pollution in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area

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José Antonio Olivares Mendoza
Clemente Hernández Rodríguez
Luz Alicia Jiménez Portugal


The objective of this paper is to evaluate whether the low-carbon transport strategy (subway, rapid transit bus system -Macrobús-, trolleybus, and shared bicycles) implemented in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (AMG) from 2000 to 2019 improves air quality. Sustainable urban mobility is the movement of people in cities in a way that generates the least impact on the environment. We analyze three actions of government intervention in the same sense. This is the first study for Guadalajara, the third-largest city in Mexico. We use robust Newey-West estimators and endogenously model pollution disruptions using the Bai Perron approach. Our results suggest that this type of public transport reduces SO2, NO2, O3, and CO, though we find an increase in PM10. We also identified that when the service of the first line of the Bus Rapid Transit was consolidated CO, O3 and PM10 decreased. In addition, the improvement in the connectivity of the bus network with the subway means that only NO2 diminished. Finally, the entry into operation of the shared bicycle program reduced PM10, while increasing O3 and in SO2. In short, sustainable urban mobility is an alternative to making the transit of people efficient, while mitigating air pollution in the AMG.


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How to Cite
Olivares Mendoza, J. A., Hernández Rodríguez, C. ., & Jiménez Portugal, L. A. (2023). Sustainable urban mobility: An alternative for air pollution in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 31(62), 108–130.
Social Sciences
Author Biographies

José Antonio Olivares Mendoza, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo. Docente. Universidad de Guadalajara, Estudiante, CUCEA, Doctorado en Estudios Económicos, Jalisco, México.

Clemente Hernández Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Docente, CUCEA, Doctorado en Estudios Económicos, Jalisco, México.

Luz Alicia Jiménez Portugal, Universidad de Guadalajara

Docente, CUCEA, Doctorado en Estudios Económicos, Jalisco, México.


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