Hardening of the Mexico-United States border and its impact on the remittances reception. The case of Ciudad Juárez in the context of Covid-19
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This article ́s objective was to determine the impact of the hardening of the Mex-ico-United States border, particularly by the partial closure of the border due to Covid-19 –the migrant’s conglomeration in the city and the limitation of cross-bor-der mobility– in the reception of remittances in Ciudad Juárez. Applying linear re-gression model with ordinary least squares method and the Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis, we estimated the relationship between remittances with the number of border crossings and immigrant’s concentration in the city. The results show that the only statistically significant variable was the partial closure of the border, through a decrease in the number of crossings, which has a negative rela-tionship with the receipt of remittances in the locality, i.e., the fewer the number of crossings, the greater the receipt of remittances.
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