From character to person. A contribution to the study of characterization of real people in factual narrative texts   

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Martín Ignacio Koval


In this paper we propose some arguments in favor of the terminological differentiation between agents in fictional settings (characters) and those in factual settings (people, actors, etc.), and nevertheless we suggest the applicability of the tools of narratology to factual journalistic texts. Then, we propose an analytical-descriptive model -conceived only as provisional- which, although it resorts to traditional tools of narratology "in the strict sense" (that is, the one that deals exclusively with fictional texts), tries to do justice to the aforementioned categorical difference between fictional and factual texts insofar as it is accompanied, in the presentation, by a series of mediations that allow the extrapolation from one setting to the other. This model will be explained on the basis of the analysis of a fragment of a recently published journalistic chronicle, referring to the death of the Argentine soccer player Diego Maradona.


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How to Cite
Koval, M. I. (2023). From character to person. A contribution to the study of characterization of real people in factual narrative texts   . Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 31(61), 226–242.
Author Biography

Martín Ignacio Koval, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet) / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) / Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ)

Dr. en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Investigador Asistente en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet), donde investiga la textualidad narrativa. Docente de Literatura Alemana de la UBA y de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ).


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