Hotel environmental management in Puerto Vallarta: motivations and barriers

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Olga Georgina Espinosa Gispert
Rosa María Chávez-Dagostino


The deterioration of the natural heritage in touristic destinations has been associated to business practices. Actions focused on reducing environmental impact caused by hotels, constitute the axis of environmental management. Environmental certification reveals the existence of management processes in this matter, however, in 2016 less than a third of the two-five stars hotels, had an environmental certification. The objective of this work was to analyze the drivers and barriers to implement environmental management in hotels. Key actors were interviewed and included hotel staff, consultants and government agencies. Collected data was processed using Atlas ti v7. Results showed that high costs are the most frequent barrier and the customer’s requirements are the most commented driver. The results coincide with findings in Cuba, Spain and other Mexican cities.


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How to Cite
Espinosa Gispert, O. G., & Chávez-Dagostino, R. M. (2021). Hotel environmental management in Puerto Vallarta: motivations and barriers. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 30(60), 251–269.
Social Sciences
Author Biographies

Olga Georgina Espinosa Gispert, Universidad de Guadalajara, campus Centro Universitario de la Costa

Maestría en Ciencias para el Desarrollo, la Sustentabilidad y el Turismo.

Licenciatura en Ingeniería ambiental

Rosa María Chávez-Dagostino, Universidad de Guadalajara, campus Centro Universitario de la Costa

Profesor Investigador en Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctora en Ciencias para el Desarrollo Sustentable


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