Animalic world as a symbol of social marginalization in Faragual y otros cuentos, by Carlos Changmarín

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Silvia Quezada Camberos


The narrative of Carlos Changmarín, master of Panamanian literature, has spread throughout the Spanish-speaking world through the reading of Faragual y otros cuentos, a collection of stories where some of them such as “La vaca”, “El diario de la Yegua del alcalde","El tigre","El gato" or "Galápago en su concha", show animals as symbolic characters of social marginalization. The rhetorical method is adequate to show the intimate connection between the thought and the statement of each one of the circumstances to which the extreme poverty of the peasant environment borders. The five stories, of realistic stock, are close to a stark naturalism, where the primary needs of man enter in to the picture without appearing to be fiction.


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How to Cite
Quezada Camberos, S. (2021). Animalic world as a symbol of social marginalization in Faragual y otros cuentos, by Carlos Changmarín. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 30(60), 284–303.
Author Biography

Silvia Quezada Camberos, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesora investigadora de tiempo completo en el Departamento de Letras de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Líder del Cuerpo Académico Lenguaje, Literatura y Literacidad.


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