Towards an entrepreneurial behaviour model in Bolivia

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Verónica Querejazu Vidovic


Unlike basically economic perspectives, behavioral approaches are scarcely used to explain the high rates of entrepreneurship in Latin American countries. This paper aims to demonstrate that the conceptual framework of these models contributes to an understanding of entrepreneurial behavior in Bolivia. It is concluded through a logistic model that individual perceptions affect the entrepreneurs’ behavior. What society consider as positive, influence the intention to start a business, and running it depends in particular on a visible optimism among educated young people with some economic support. It is observed, as well, that persisting in the market is more likely among those who are older with scarce education.


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Querejazu Vidovic, V. (2021). Towards an entrepreneurial behaviour model in Bolivia. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(57), 1–22.
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Verónica Querejazu Vidovic, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Grado: Maestra en Política Pública y Gerencia.


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