Impact of the social network Facebook in the higher education process of mathematics considering the science of data

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Ricardo Adán Salas Rueda
Rodrigo David Salas Rueda


This mixed research aims to analyze the use of the social network Facebook in Computational Mathematics and Basic Applied Statistics during the 2017 school year through data science (decision tree technique). The sample is composed of 54 students of the Bachelor of Administration, Information Technology, Marketing and Commerce. The decision tree technique allows the identification of 8 predictive models about the interaction and communication of students in the social network Facebook during the teaching and learning process. Likewise, the qualitative approach analyzes the use of this social network considering the variables on the meeting point, distribution of contents, motivation, support tool in learning and satisfaction. The results indicate that Facebook is a tool that facilitates the teaching and learning process in the field of mathematics. In fact, the linear regression indicates that the publication of tasks, sending of messages among students, creation of comments on the wall and consultation of videos in this social network positively influence the interaction and communication of students during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, this qualitative and quantitative study recommends the incorporation of the social network Facebook in school activities with the purpose of innovating educational practices.


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How to Cite
Salas Rueda, R. A., & Salas Rueda, R. D. (2021). Impact of the social network Facebook in the higher education process of mathematics considering the science of data. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28(55-1), 23–42.
Social Sciences
Author Biographies

Ricardo Adán Salas Rueda, Universidad La Salle

Doctor en Diseño de Nuevas Tecnologías, Maestro en Administración, Ingeniero en Sistemas Electrónicos, Candidato SNI durante el periodo 2016-2018 y Líder del grupo de investigación: Ciencia de datos y Tecnología educativa. Profesor e investigador en la Universidad La Salle México (Septiembre 2015-Junio 2018).

Rodrigo David Salas Rueda, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Licenciado en Administración e integrante del grupo de investigación: Ciencia de datos y Tecnología educativa. Correo:


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