Epistemology of the didactic mathematical knowledge: An instructional experience

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Gabriela Buendía Ábalos
Javier Lezama Andalón


In this paper we discuss the contribution of an epistemological reflection on the mathematical knowledge to school mathematics teacher through an experience in a master's degree in mathematics education. This discussion will be through the presentation of the course design and its development and showing some of the interactions with the participants through aspects such as the nature of the philosophical and epistemological discussion to understand the mathematical creation, the contribution that gives the historical review epistemology of knowledge, the recognition of the complexity of mathematics and mathematics education and the recognition of the teacher's own epistemology.


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How to Cite
Buendía Ábalos, G., & Lezama Andalón, J. (2021). Epistemology of the didactic mathematical knowledge: An instructional experience. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 21(42), 86–111. https://doi.org/10.20983/noesis.2012.2.4
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Author Biographies

Gabriela Buendía Ábalos, CICATA-IPN.

Profesor – investigador adscrito  Programa de Matemática Educativa del CICATA-IPN.

Javier Lezama Andalón, CICATA-IPN.

Profesor – investigador adscrito  Programa de Matemática Educativa del CICATA-IPN


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