Teeth of Raquel of Gabriel Jiménez Emán: an abyss in miniature

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Wilfredo José Rafael Illas Ramírez


This article aims at understanding the features of Gabriel Jimenez Eman’s minifictional writing from his work Los dientes de Raquel, which are outlined in three dimensions: a) the role played in the architecture of the text, by the starting as a cornerstone in linguistic economy, and discursive concision; b) the importance of the final as paralyzing effect, stroke of the creative genius and the possibility of multiple meanings; and c) the use of suspense and fantasy as fundamental resources in the construction of absurd, ironic, parodic, dreamlike and mysterious atmospheres. From a hermeneutic understanding, it is presented not only the approach to Jimenez Eman’s narrative strategies, but also the examination of the minifiction constituent elements as emerging genre, allowing to observe the character of rupture, fragmentation, game, speed, multiplicity and simultaneity that make the minificcional universe a miniature abyss.


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How to Cite
Illas Ramírez, W. J. R. (2022). Teeth of Raquel of Gabriel Jiménez Emán: an abyss in miniature. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 27(54), 105–120. https://doi.org/10.20983/noesis.2018.2.6
Author Biography

Wilfredo José Rafael Illas Ramírez, Universidad de Carabobo

Profesor de Literatura.


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