Fate’s meeting for the future of the city branding for Juarez city

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Carlos O. Irigoyen


The development of city branding has been a missing part of the rich history of the city, as a village or city either. A big challenge from the city branding point of view is to analyze if there is not a city branding progress then city marketing programs are just a lie. Juarez city was touched by the official information from the Vatican state, the city was included as one of the visit places of Mexico’s Papal visit in February of 2016, the destiny date, February 17. A highly regarded visit -like Pope Francis- should help to provide elements to build the concept of city branding instead of just supply non-enhancing fundamentals to strengthen the city marketing factor through city branding programs.


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How to Cite
Irigoyen, C. O. (2022). Fate’s meeting for the future of the city branding for Juarez city. Noesis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 26(52), 152–178. https://doi.org/10.20983/noesis.2017.2.7
Social Sciences
Author Biography

Carlos O. Irigoyen, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Campus Ciudad Juarez .

Profesor de tiempo completo para el Area de Negocios.


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