urban solid waste, collection and transfer service, social perception, Serv- Qual, concessionAbstract
The objective of this research was to capture, describe and analyze the social perception of the user of the municipal solid urban waste collection service (MSW) in the municipality of León, Guanajuato, which is one of the most populated municipalities in Mexico with 1.7 millions of inhabitants. In León, the Public Cleaning Integral System of Leon (SIAP) is a decentralized municipal public body responsible for serving the different processes of the Comprehensive Urban Solid Waste Management (GIRSU). One of the fundamental activities of the SIAP is the collection of solid waste, which has implications for public health and the environment of the municipality. The SIAP relies on the private sector through the concession modality, which makes it necessary to know the perception that the citizen has about the provision of the service. The research was of a mixed, qualitative-quantitative type. A survey was applied under a variant of the SERVQUAL model to capture the social perception of the users who receive the collection service within the urban area of León. The results indicate that the citizen is very satisfied with this public service, giving confidence to the continuity of the municipal provider. However, the literature review allows us to identify that the service provided is biased with respect to the GIRSU, highlighting that the model in León addresses garbage collection and not waste. It is concluded that it is necessary to propose municipal financial efforts to align said provision within the GIRSU scheme, taking advantage of the satisfaction of the municipal user.
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