Shopping centers at zmcm. The companies, location and production of a neoliberal urban space




shopping center, neoliberalism, space, urban space, construction company


This work aims to analyze different aspects of shopping center at the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City as location, opening year and developer company. Also it will identify diverse characteristics, economic and political phases in the country as well as the role of the development companies and shopping centers as a producers of a neoliberal urban space. This paper presents the way shopping centers importance has growth and how it had become in a neoliberal city characteristic; with this the characteristics of these urban works are visualized and related with their construction companies and local governments which has caused the transformation of the city. After conducting a census, with more than two hundred shopping centers, the study was delimited to those with the greatest significance by size, location and developer. At the beginning of the paper, the characteristics that shopping malls should have for the realization of this work are mentioned. In a first section an approach is made to the theoretical elements of the city and the shopping center and therefore identifying the developers that most  nfluence this process; the second section addresses the characteristics of places by location and the characteristics that urban planners have depending on the area where they are; the third section discusses the years of opening, the squares and relates to government administrations and the economic characteristics of the country; and finally, a tour of the urban regulations in Mexico City and its latest modifications is made.

Author Biography

Dante Guillermo Celis Galindo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesor de asignatura en el Colegio de Geografía de la unam. Líneas de investigación: Urbanismo; Fraccionamientos cerrados; Empresas urbanas; Centros comerciales; Deportes y ciencias sociales. Asistente en trabajos de investigación en El Colmich y la uam-i en temas de Empresa y cooperativas; y Desarrollo urbano. Licenciado en Geografía por la unam; maestro en Geografía Humana por El Colmich; y doctor en Geografía por la unam.


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