Review of concentration-dispersion through housing density and its effect on urban form


  • Jorge Javier Acosta Rendón UAS



Urban form, concentration-dispersion, housing density, Culiacán Rosales


The concentration or dispersion of the population and the relation that these urban variables have with the urban form of Culiacan Rosales city, analyzing the housing densities are studied in this work. Until a few decades ago, the urban form of the city could be explained by the monocentric model based on the sociological theories of the Chicano School and its derivatives. However, at the threshold of the twenty-first century these theories have shown their exhaustion because they cannot explain the emergence of tertiary activities scattered throughout the urban territory, which after a while are concentrated forming subcenters that affect the urban form of the city , and for its adequate explanation it is necessary to use, with a different vision, the tools for the analysis of urban territory based on multivariate statistics combined with Geographic Information Systems that allow determining the dispersion or compactness of the city and other phenomena.


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