
  • Pablo Gutiérrez Castorena Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes



Worker`s control public policy, industrial development, regional development


This article explains how it is that in the last 30 years has established a type of public policy that simulating the development of the organization, has promoted a successful and dynamic industrial model for the country in the last 18 years. This is one which, based essentially on the called employment stability (social peace and labor peace product of corporate relations), has concealed the true mechanisms of workers' control, that regardless of the Mexican labor law, culminating in containing conflicts workers and strikes in the region. The article shows basically how local stakeholders were the need to have a vision to take them to reduce rates and indicators of labor radicalism; and building an enabling environment for industrial development of the region's environment. With this view, public policy was the solution to their problems, because through a whole state apparatus, were able to build a series of legal and informal mechanisms for the region-city of Aguascalientes was exempt from labor disputes and was a sufficiently attractive to foreign investment IED. And so, in this case, we can say that public policy created by local stakeholders culminated in the creation of developing a competitive industry based on intangible incentives such as the workers' control throughout the region. Therefore, the notion of development that is handled in this article is one denoting subordination of the public by the private, based on a legal logic and specific social relations of collusion between social actors geared to favor domestic capital and foreign; which it simulated, ultimately, development for the region.

Author Biography

Pablo Gutiérrez Castorena, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Arquitecto de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Especialista en Diseño Urbano. Maestro en Desarrollo Regional y Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con Especialidad en Estudios Regionales por el Colegio de la Frontera Norte

Profesor Investigador Instituto de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.

Coordinador Editorial Revista Decumanus


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