About the Journal

Focus and Scope

DECUMANUS Journal is an online publication of Architecture Department, it pertains to the Institute of Architecture, Design, and Art of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez. Published annually, their sections are: 

1. Editorial or journal issue introduction. 

2. Research. Articles obtained from research projects that present theoretical and methodological progress, as well as research results related to the journal topics. 

3. Contemporary Reflections. Articles obtained from the author(s) scholar work, the topics should be relevant for scientific and academic discussion in the knowledge areas of urban studies.

Peer Review Process

The double-blind system will be used for revision, therefore submitted articles should not have had any information about the author(s) or their academic or professional data. Author(s) data and their papers should be submitted through the journal institutional email: decumanus@uacj.mx 

Articles written in Spanish or English will be accepted, these should be presented in Word format. Submitted articles should be original and have not been previously published. Articles should be written in an easy and clear way, according to a structure established at the beginning of it.