Composición de la leche de cabras Alpino Francesa suplementadas con aceites vegetales durante la lactancia


  • H. González-García Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • M. L. Cortés-Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • A. Orozco-Erives Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • J. A. López-Díaz Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • O-León Oreste La Universidad Nacional de Loja
  • W. F. Vivas-Arturo Universidad Técnica de Manabí


dairy goats, vegetable oils, milk quality


To evaluate the effect of supplemented diet with vegetable oils on dairy goats on milk quality during 70 days of lactation, 40 French Alpine adult goats were used (70 days in milk, BW 35 kg, and age of 36 months old). The goats distributed themselves at random in three groups, Control goats diet to which were offered sorghum silage and alfalfa hay-like basal diet, plus 400 gr of concentrate (16 % PC), and two separate groups with control diet supplemented with soybean oil, and canola oil, at a level of 2,5 % of the total diet. Analysis of the information was fitted to a model for a completely random design. The diets with oils (soy or canola) presented greater values of milk fat concerning the control diet (3.12, 2.86 vs 2.65 %), respectively. The mean protein concentration (3.42 %) and total solids (11.21 %) displayed higher contents in goat milk supplemented with soy oil. One concludes that the supplemented lactation diet with soy oil in dairy goats positively modifies the milk quality.

Author Biographies

O-León Oreste La, Universidad Nacional de Loja

Carrera de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Facultad Agropecuaria y Recursos Naturales Renovables

W. F. Vivas-Arturo, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Facultad de Ciencias Zootécnicas, Portoviejo.


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