Judicial application of international human rights standards in Mexico


  • José Manuel López Libreros Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes






The block of rights that implies respect for human rights implies the positivization of norms, the recognition of rights as well as an adequate interpretation by the State powers. In Mexico, the respect, protection, guarantee and promotion of human rights is based on a legal mandate supported by the Constitution and international human rights law, which together with the Principles of Progressivity, Pro Person, and Subsidiarity, imply a scenario of interaction of sources of diverse origin that must be applied by judges at the time of ruling. This research is based on the idea that judicial work is crucial to conduct the interaction of national and international sources to facilitate the recognition and improvement of rights through the recognition and application of standards. As a central objective emblematic cases from the 9th to 11th Judicial Epochs were analyzed regarding the application of international sources in the resolution of cases, and thus deductively abstracting the principles and methods used for the resolution of cases through the application of international standards. As results, a) parameters of application to the recognition and characterization of human rights were identified; and b) the conformation of the block of rights with the subsidiary intervention of international human rights law through the resolution of concrete cases was identified. From the above, the relevance acquired by the Federal Judiciary in the progressive interpretation of the recognition of human rights became evident.

Author Biography

José Manuel López Libreros, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Profesor investigador titular "C", Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Doctor en derecho por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Reconocimiento nivel I del SNII, de CONAHCYT. Perfil Prodep, SEP.


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